Demo Team Competition
Will take place first thing in the morning.
Exhibit as many aspects of your discipline or a mix of styles and disciplines. The main objective is to put on an exciting and entertaining show featuring martial arts.
Demonstration teams can consist of a minimum of 3 members and a maximum of 20. They team may be a mix of male, female, different ages and different ranks. Teams will have an 8 minute time limit to perform a demonstration of any discipline or combination of disciplines of martial arts. All demonstrations must be done with the safety of the spectators in mind. No Fire, Explosives, Glass, or anything potentially hazardous (TNT Breaking Boards are allowed). The 8 minute time limit will include setup and break down. At the conclusion of their performance the team must clear and clean the performance area and make available to the next team. Music, weapons & breaking can be used but is not required. Other props not listed must be approved by the judges/event director (feel free to email your questions ahead of time).
1st through 3rd place will be awarded with 1 LARGE Trophy per team.